Monday, February 24, 2014

Snowmen and snow ice cream!

We've had a lot of snow in our area the last few weeks. It's also been unusually cold. What does one do when life gives you lots of snow? Well, you make snowmen and snow ice cream, of course!

Kaylee and her snowman.

We searched and found a recipe for snow ice cream. The night before a big snowfall was predicted we put a mixing bowl on our patio table to catch some snow. We had a huge bowl full of snow! 

We put out a mixing bowl the night before a snowfall and this is how much snow we caught! 

We didn't exactly follow the recipe. We put a chunk of snow in a bowl, mixed in some coconut milk, vanilla, and sugar until we liked the flavor and texture. Then, we added some toppings and ate it. We didn't use the whole chunk of snow from the above picture. That would have been a bit too much.

Adding some sugar and testing the texture.

Whipping it all together with some vanilla. 

This is the final product. It is not the same texture as regular ice cream. 

Kaylee added some sprinkles to her snow ice cream.

It was very yummy. We will be putting out another mixing bowl before the next snowfall...Hopefully that will be NEXT winter. :)

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