Monday, December 23, 2013

American Heritage Girls

Kaylee in her American Heritage Girl uniform.

Kaylee joined American Heritage Girls in October. We were originally going to join Girl Scouts, but decided that we liked AHG better. It is considered a Christ centered alternative to Girl Scouts. Kaylee and I both are enjoying the troop. She has already done many activities and earned her sewing badge.

Kaylee working on her sewing badge.

Recently, she earned her joining award during the joining ceremony. She was happy to light and hold a candle.

Kaylee during the joining ceremony. 

The AHG Troop worked hard each week from September to December to earn their sewing badge. They had to sew and make a pin cushion, sew and make a letter pillow, and sew on two different kinds of buttons.

Kaylee proudly displaying her pin cushion, letter pillow, and buttons. 

Recently, they went caroling at a retirement community. Kaylee loves to sing Christmas carols. 

Caroling at a retirement community.

Kaylee and I both really enjoy being part of the American Heritage Girls. There are so many opportunities and experiences! It was a great decision to join the troop.

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