Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Beginning

     I have been homeschooling Kaylee since birth. She is now 5 and loves to learn. She is kind and caring. Everyday is an adventure for her. When I kiss her goodnight she often asks what adventures are planned for tomorrow.

     She loves being homeschooled. At first she wasn't quite convinced. When she saw many of the other children her age going to school and when the children were playing on the playground as we passed a school she thought she wanted to go to school. Although, now she realizes just how long the school day really is and how much we accomplish while the other children are away at school. We enjoy spending time together and she likes to do her "school work" at home.

Kaylee checking out the cicada exoskeletons. 
     We learn about whatever Kaylee is interested in. This week we have been learning a lot about cicadas. They are everywhere. Our backyard has lots of tiny holes where cicadas have emerged. Mostly we see their exoskeleton hanging all over or laying on the ground beneath trees and our fence.  Kaylee is amazed by the cicadas.

     We go for a 1.25 mile walk every afternoon and lately our walk has been a cicada hunt. She never hurts them, but only observes them. Today she was really worried about a cicada that had flipped onto it's back. She got a stick and helped it right itself. Everyday is an adventure with Kaylee...

An empty cicada exoskeleton.

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