Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Drama Club

Kaylee has a dramatic side. She is often putting on shows for family and friends. She is not shy. She enjoys being the center of attention. She likes being on a stage. When our homeschool group announced that there was a Drama 1 Club starting we signed up.

Kaylee at her first audition for Drama Club.

I didn't realize what we were signed up for. There was a lot of time involved. Practices and meetings at least once a week. More practices and long hours a week before the performances. And I volunteered for a few tasks. It was worth it.

The play was about Christopher Columbus. There were 3 shows on two different days. Kaylee played two minor rolls in the performances. She played a townsperson and an Indian princess. It involved a costume change between scenes. I took her to the bathroom and helped her change into her next costume. Then, took her to the person doing make up and had her Indian princess make up applied.

Kaylee dressed as a townsperson. 

Kaylee dressed as an Indian princess. 

Practice, practice, practice...

The shows went well. This was such a great experience for both Kaylee and myself. It was also exhausting. She has already expressed interest in signing up for the next session of Drama Club. Kaylee enjoys being on the stage.

We gave Kaylee a bouquet of flowers after the final performance. 

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