Saturday, May 24, 2014

Whale Watching Trip: Part 3

Kaylee is excited to play at the beach! My advice to not get her pants wet forgotten.

On the final day of our whale watching trip the weather was absolutely beautiful. As you can guess, Kaylee was VERY excited to play on the beach. I made the same mistake and just rolled up her pants a little bit. I know my girl and her obsession with water. Totally a bad call on my part. Luckily, they are just pants and totally washable. And we had spare clothes in our suitcase.

The sheer joy on Kaylee's face as she ran around collecting shells and splashing in the water.

Striking a pose on the beach.

No trip to the beach is complete without time to play on the playground on the beach.

Playing on the playground on the beach. It's the best playground location.

We had such a great trip. We love the beach. I can hardly wait until our next trip. It can't be soon enough...

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