Sunday, May 11, 2014

Calling All Spirits

Kaylee and I playing the game she created. 
Kaylee is very creative. The flexibility of homeschooling really encourages her to be creative and do things in her own way. She enjoys making games, putting on plays/shows, art, and creating things. Recently, she was inspired to create her own card game.

She called the game, "Calling All Spirits." She cut out card shaped pieces of paper, colored them, and put stickers of each pony from My Little Pony on a card. There are 3 of each type of card. To win the game you need to collect each pony. There is a deck of cards face down in the middle. Each player chooses a card and then you can pick a pony card from the playing area that matches the color from the deck. She even made a white strip of paper with each pony listed on it to help you remember which ponies to collect. The game totally works.

She created this game on her own. I'm amazed.

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