Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Decanomial Squares

We've been moving right along with our Montessori curriculum. I've had this box of decanomial squares sitting on the shelf for months. For some reason, I was intimidated by it. Or maybe I just didn't feel like learning how to use them. It just seemed like so many pieces! The other day, I decided that I spent money on these things and I need to use them and they are a big part of the curriculum.

The curriculum I bought didn't have a very clear description on how to present the decanomial squares. I did a little research and watched a video or two. Then, I was ready to present it to Kaylee. I knew she would like it because she loves solving puzzles and putting things in order.

You start with the tiny red square. Then, you put the green square diagonal to the red square. Next, use the remaining green rectangles on either side of the green square. Take the pink square and put it diagonal to the green square. Place the two largest rectangles against the pink square, then the second largest. Continue to build the square in the same way until all the color sets are used.

Kaylee loves a challenge! See the look of concentration? 

All finished!

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