Thursday, November 21, 2013

State Fair of Virginia

In October, we spent a day at the State Fair. We've been going every year since they moved it to Doswell. It's only a few minutes from our town. The day we chose to go ended up being a very hot day!

We went with a friend. They rode every ride they were tall enough to ride.

There was a band there, but we were too busy riding rides and eating fair food to listen for more than 30 seconds. Lol.

Next, we went to see the animals. Another favorite State Fair activity.

Kaylee fed a giraffe a carrot.

There's a sign that says, "Warning. Please Don't Feed Animals From Your Mouth." Makes me wonder what happened to make that sign necessary...

Kaylee is happy that the giraffe ate her carrot.

Kaylee holding a tiny piglet wrapped in a blanket.

We really enjoy the State Fair. Although, the day was really exhausting. I think it was a mixture of the excitement, heat, and being a bit dehydrated that made Kaylee throw up along I-95 on the way home. I guess it could have been the ice cream cone she ate before we left. She said she felt much better after vomiting.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Decanomial Squares

We've been moving right along with our Montessori curriculum. I've had this box of decanomial squares sitting on the shelf for months. For some reason, I was intimidated by it. Or maybe I just didn't feel like learning how to use them. It just seemed like so many pieces! The other day, I decided that I spent money on these things and I need to use them and they are a big part of the curriculum.

The curriculum I bought didn't have a very clear description on how to present the decanomial squares. I did a little research and watched a video or two. Then, I was ready to present it to Kaylee. I knew she would like it because she loves solving puzzles and putting things in order.

You start with the tiny red square. Then, you put the green square diagonal to the red square. Next, use the remaining green rectangles on either side of the green square. Take the pink square and put it diagonal to the green square. Place the two largest rectangles against the pink square, then the second largest. Continue to build the square in the same way until all the color sets are used.

Kaylee loves a challenge! See the look of concentration? 

All finished!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Phonogram 3 Part Cards

I have been so organized lately with our Montessori curriculum. One of the things we've been working with are 3 part cards. I bought a PDF with the green phonogram 3 part cards. I have been printing them off and using them one set at a time. Kaylee can already read these words, but I want to reinforce them. As an added challenge, I have her write them on a lined dry erase board. The dry erase board makes it more fun. She hasn't wanted to practice writing and her handwriting has been illegible. Since she has been writing on the dry erase board her handwriting has improved.

Kaylee and her phonogram 3 part cards.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Apple Prints

After visiting an apple orchard and studying apples we made apple prints. We cut apples in half, dipped them in paint, then stamped them on paper. Kaylee loves creating art.

Dipping half an apple into the paint. 

Stamping the apple on the paper to make apple prints. 

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Chick-fil-a Tour

Kaylee before the Chick-fil-a tour. 

We went on a tour of Chick-fil-a through our homeschool group. This group we belong to opens up so many opportunities for us as homeschoolers. We wouldn't have such an enriched experience without it.

I haven't eaten meat in over a year. I don't cook meat at home, but Kaylee and my husband order meat if they choose when we go out. We haven't been to a fast food place in a long time. When I saw the Chick-fil-a tour on the schedule, I was torn on whether or not to sign up. When I ate meat, Chick-fil-a was one of my favorite places to visit. But, they don't offer many choices for vegetarians. In the end, I decided to sign up.

Kaylee was excited to go to and get a tour and some lunch. We learned about the history of the company and went on a kitchen tour. We were shown how they bread and fry the chicken. There was a woman in the back washing and cutting up lettuce. After the tour, they gave the children a Chick-fil-a cow and lunch. It was a lot of fun.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Artist Study: Picasso

I decided I needed more structure this school year. I bought a basic Montessori curriculum and ordered many more materials. I often print out materials and use them instead of the traditional wooden Montessori materials. I do this because the materials are quite expensive. If I feel as if a paper version would serve just as well, then that's what we use. I try to find a free printable, but sometimes I buy the file and download it. 

The curriculum I bought is good, but very basic. I didn't spend a whole lot of money on it either. Anyway, it doesn't include an artist study. I searched the internet and found this great artist study. The first volume is free and the second is only $5.50. It uses books from the library and materials we already have at home. It's perfect for us! We got it here

The first artist we studied is Picasso. That is just right for us because in 2011 we briefly learned about Picasso before visiting the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts in Richmond. There was a travelling exhibit called: Picasso: Masterpieces from the Musee Picasso, Paris.  It was the only east coast exhibit on the tour. We had to go see it. Kaylee was 4 and her interest only lasted a few minutes, but she remembered it. It was a great start for our artist study.

We read the Picasso book, began making our World's Greatest Artists lapbook, and followed the lessons. 

Kaylee reproducing Picasso's "Girl Before a Mirror." 

At the end of the Picasso study, Kaylee wanted to create her own cubism art. 

Kaylee's cubism art titled, "Girl with a Dog."