Monday, September 9, 2013

The Tooth Fairy Visits (twice!)

Initially, the first adult tooth worried me. It started to come in behind the baby tooth. I had never seen anything like it before. I was reassured by a friend that it was normal. I googled it just to be sure. According to google, it is common. It made me feel a bit better, but I kept checking it multiple times per day. Yeah, it freaked me out.

A few days after the adult tooth emerged the baby tooth in front of it began to wiggle. It wiggled for days. It got so wiggly that Kaylee refused to eat. We went to Arby's one night to get some curly fries. She can't resist fries. As she was eating, the tooth finally popped out. Whew! Kaylee lost her first tooth on July 18, 2013.

The tooth fairy left Kaylee a note and gave her $5 for her first tooth. $1 each additional tooth.

The second tooth was the same story. The adult tooth began to emerge behind the baby tooth. I wasn't as worried this time. This one tooth even longer to come out. Kaylee was very gentle with it. It hung in there by just a little string. It was flopping all around. Laying on its side. And generally just being unsettling. She was playing in her playroom and it literally just fell out of her mouth! 

Tooth number 2! 

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