Sunday, July 21, 2013

Trip to the Science Museum of Virginia

     Kaylee and I got discounted tickets to the Science Museum of Virginia in Richmond. ( It was only our second visit to this museum and we had a blast! See the pictures and captions below.

Petting a rat after the Rat Basket presentation.

Making a huge bubble! 

Petting a snake.

Exploring robots. 


Monday, July 8, 2013

Garden Update

    Our gardens are doing well. We had our first harvest from our Earth Boxes on the porch and the cucumbers in the raised bed are trying to take over the entire garden. Kaylee and I have been really enjoying gardening this season!

Our raised garden bed. Our cucumber plants are huge! 

Our first harvest from either garden, a zucchini. 

We had a visitor on the other side of our fence.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Kaylee the Flower Girl

     My sister got married a few weeks ago and Kaylee was the flower girl in the wedding. She looked forward to it for months. I had to share the photos of Kaylee from the wedding. She was absolutely adorable.

Our Princess

A bit tired before the wedding even started. 

Enjoying all of the attention. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Kaylee's Kindergarten Graduation

     We belong to a wonderful homeschool group in our area. The woman who founded the group schedules all the activities and classes. She does a fantastic job. Our homeschool experience wouldn't be complete without her. She plans a Kindergarten graduation ceremony every year. This year it was Kaylee's turn to graduate.

     The show the student's presented was kept a total secret from the parents. She had been attending graduation practice for many weeks. We were both looking forward to the event. It was such a cute success! Each student walked down the isle, got a diploma on the stage, and they even tossed their hats in the air. They sang two songs and each child presented their mother with a flower during the last song. It was a very memorable experience. Afterwards, there was dinner and cake.

     We bought Kaylee her very first Build a Bear to stuff as a graduation gift. Her favorite thing right now is My Little Pony. Build a Bear has Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash ponies. Needless to say, Kaylee was very excited to get Pinkie Pie. It even plays the theme song when you push it's hoof.

Kaylee doing her princess pose in her graduation gown.

Part of the graduation show. Kaylee is on the left.


Kaylee's graduation gift: Pinkie Pie from Build a Bear.