Thursday, May 30, 2013

Backyard Camping

     This past weekend was Memorial Weekend. We really wanted to go to Virginia Beach, but recent budget cuts would not allow it. So, Kaylee had been talking about wanting to camp in our backyard. I bought a tent when they were on sale last fall and thought we'd try it out.

     Kaylee is a light sleeper and I knew that would be our biggest obstacle. We pretended we were camping and made dinner entirely on the campfire and grill. We roasted marshmallows and made smores. We slept on an air mattress and in sleeping bags. It was going to be a cool night. The low was about 45 degrees.

Getting the tent ready for our Memorial Weekend camp out. 

Aaron and Kaylee by the fire pit. 
     None of us slept very well. The strange noises kept us awake. We were cold in the middle of the night. Overall, it was a good experience. In the morning, I asked Kaylee if she liked it. She said, "Meh, it was ok." I guess we are off the hook when it comes to tent camping. One night was enough. At least for a little while....

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Cicada Madness! Part 3: The Noise!

     Kaylee's obsession with the cicadas continues. Although, it's difficult to ignore them now. They are SO loud. It doesn't bother us, but it is a bit weird. I posted a video below, but it is different than standing in our backyard and being surrounded by the sound. 

    The other day it was partly cloudy. The sun would appear and then clouds would block the sun's rays. The cicadas would quiet down when it was cloudy, but after a few minutes of sun the males would start their song again.

     Different areas of our neighborhood seem to be louder than others at different times. I wonder if they are at a slightly different phase or something....

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Cicada Madness! Part 2: We are surrounded!

    Most of the cicadas seem to have gone through their metamorphosis. They left behind their little shells every where. It is difficult to describe. I have included a video below...

Cicada Madness! Part 1: Exoskeletons Everywhere!

     Kaylee is really interested in these cicadas. They are beginning to leave their exoskeletons every where! While on our walks we see them all over trees, cars, the road, and even tall pieces of grass. Our yard has little holes in the ground where many cicadas have emerged. It's a bit weird.

     We have researched cicadas and learned a lot about them. Kaylee has been nearly obsessed! We have learned all about their life cycle. The female lays tiny eggs in the tree bark. When the eggs hatch, tiny nymphs emerge and drop to the ground. The nymphs burrow into the ground using their claw like front legs. Then, they eat tree roots with their straw like mouth part for up to 17 years. They shed their hard shell skin many times. Then, the grown nymphs tunnel up to the surface. The outer skin of the cicada splits and an adult emerges with wings and flies away. The male cicadas make a sound to attract females. They mate and die. The life cycle begins again. The cicadas all emerge at once when the temperature is right.

      It seems like most of the cicadas have been busy going through their metamorphosis.  When cicadas emerge from their outer "skin" they have wings. We have been finding what they left behind every where!

Cicada exoskeletons! 

The exoskeletons are hanging every where! 

Just a few of the holes in the ground where cicadas emerged. 

Cicada exoskeletons piled at the bottom of a tree. 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day: May 12, 2013

     On Mother's Day this year we went to Kings Dominion. It is usually less crowded on Mother's Day. We started the day by going to a breakfast buffet with a friend. Then, headed to KD (that's Kings Dominion.)

     We knew Kaylee had grown a lot since we'd been there in the fall, but we didn't realize quite how much! She was VERY excited to reach the 48 inch mark! There is so much more she can ride now. Personally, I don't ride many rides at all. Kaylee and Aaron (my husband) ride everything. I should have brought a book to read while they rode. The water park wasn't open yet, so there wasn't much for me to do. They rode many coasters multiple times.

     They rode the Stunt Coaster, Anaconda, "big" bumper cars, Rebel Yell, Shenandoah Lumber Company, Water Rapids, and the Hurler. The Grizzly was closed or they would have rode that too. Basically, she rode everything she couldn't ride before.

     She says her favorites were the Stunt Coaster and Anaconda. I've never been on either..and I never will.

Kaylee showing off her 48 inch wrist band!

Thumbs up for the Rebel Yell.

The Shenandoah Lumber Company Ride. 

The Hurler!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Beginning

     I have been homeschooling Kaylee since birth. She is now 5 and loves to learn. She is kind and caring. Everyday is an adventure for her. When I kiss her goodnight she often asks what adventures are planned for tomorrow.

     She loves being homeschooled. At first she wasn't quite convinced. When she saw many of the other children her age going to school and when the children were playing on the playground as we passed a school she thought she wanted to go to school. Although, now she realizes just how long the school day really is and how much we accomplish while the other children are away at school. We enjoy spending time together and she likes to do her "school work" at home.

Kaylee checking out the cicada exoskeletons. 
     We learn about whatever Kaylee is interested in. This week we have been learning a lot about cicadas. They are everywhere. Our backyard has lots of tiny holes where cicadas have emerged. Mostly we see their exoskeleton hanging all over or laying on the ground beneath trees and our fence.  Kaylee is amazed by the cicadas.

     We go for a 1.25 mile walk every afternoon and lately our walk has been a cicada hunt. She never hurts them, but only observes them. Today she was really worried about a cicada that had flipped onto it's back. She got a stick and helped it right itself. Everyday is an adventure with Kaylee...

An empty cicada exoskeleton.